May 3rd Workshop: How to Fuel Your Entrepreneur Spirit

Wednesday, May 3rd
3-4pm over Zoom 

Do you have an idea for a "side hustle" but don't know exactly where to start? Does the fear of the unknown keep you from pursuing your passion to work for yourself? 

We invite you to join us for our upcoming webinar led by volunteer Kate Turner. Kate is a self-defined "Cycle breaker for workaholics and perfectionists" who started her professional career coaching firm from the ground up!

Kate will go over:

1) How to be an “intra”preneur first

2) How to prepare to become an entrepreneur while you still have a job

3) What to expect once you take the leap into entrepreneurship

The Entrepreneur Spirit transcends to other parts of life. Once you light that fire within you, there's no going back.

Register now!


May 25th Mentoring Bootcamp


Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week!